Gain valuable shopper and basket insights with Receipt Scanning
Our innovative receipt scanning technology and solutions help brands seamlessly validate transactions across a retail network, whilst discovering valuable basket insights.
Get in TouchReceipt scanning creates a connection with customers
Creating one-to-one relationships with end customers can be a challenge for brands. Receipt scanning not only connects brands with customers, but helps discover a wealth of insights about customer purchase behaviour.
Receipts can be submitted through mobile or websites
We can design and build mobile apps for the program or provide you with APIs to use our technology if you have an existing platform or in-house capabilities.
Short term campaigns or ongoing loyalty programs
Our receipt scanning solutions can be used for short-term campaigns or a ongong loyalty program.
Advanced loyalty analytics and reporting
Our team of skilled data analysts can build visual reporting dashboards to allow you to easily analyse and interpret receipt data.
A flexible approach to rewards fulfilment.
Our rewards fulfilment services include voucher allocation (delivered digitally or physically), cashback processing and physical stock management and fulfulment.
Case Studies
See how other brands are using receipt scanning technology to grow their business.
Looking for a Receipt Scanning Solution?
Call us today to organize a demo with one of our loyalty experts.